Digital marketing is constantly evolving & its often difficult to maintain a quality digital presence. Understanding the way to leverage digital properties correctly is vital to business success.

Digital properties are anything from a medium to spread brand awareness, company information,or a product pitch. These websites/pages/posts can sell products/services, maintain customer engagement, and discover talent. 

Increasing revenue is often done in various ways digitally. Shopping, paid search, display, and retargeting are the most conventional forms of pay per click (PPC) or cost per click (CPC) advertising techniques.

SEO, content marketing, and social marketing are pivotal for getting more traffic on your pages, of people looking for different offerings.

How can a business increase its revenue through investment in digital marketing?

There is no manual on how to achieve the increase in sales with Digital Marketing. Hence, there is a list of actions and strategies that are fundamental. Companies that can get these practices up and running have a much better chance of making much more money.

Some steps to be taken: 

  • Optimize your site based on SEO 

Website optimization work is geared towards making adjustments that make them more suitable to what search engine algorithms like Google, require. It results in achieving a better ranking, with the sites appearing at the top of the SERPs.This greater prominence generates higher interest in the user. 

  • Define who your target audience is
    It’s essential to know your audience first as they have specific habits and preferences that should guide your entire strategy and the actions you create in the digital environment.

The first step to achieve this understanding is to conduct surveys, collecting  data, and studying preferences of the audience.
From this, some key points are derived, i.e 

  • What tone of voice to use in communication,

  • In what products the audience is most interested,

  • What advantages they expect from their relationship with a company

  • Which channels they use most

  • Understand where your audience concentrates
    The importance of this is precisely to communicate through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and also email.

Knowing what channels your audience concentrates on also allows you to invest in more appropriate strategies. 

Having this accurate distribution of your Digital Marketing budget will enable you to have a satisfactory ROI.

  • Automate and track your email campaign
    Automation is the feature that allows triggering emails to a broad contact base, standardizing the messages, and increasing the chances of reaching the contacts.
    These emails should carry information about products, discounts, content offers, discount coupons, among other things. The idea is to approach and generate frequent contacts.

  • Define CTAs (calls to action) that actually convert
    It’s impossible to increase sales with Digital Marketing without using good calls to action. You must have a selection of effect phrases that grab attention, and result in the proposed suggestions. These CTAs should also be highlighted with striking colors or, in other words, made attractive.

  • Perform A/B tests about your strategies
    A/B tests allow you to study what strategy options generate the most conversion rates, resulting in sales.

These tests are designed to compare two versions of whatever needs to be tested: CTAs, landing pages, colors used in a page, headers, among other options. 

The critical point is the measurement of results & analyzing which of these two versions shows the best results. 

  • Start a Content Marketing strategy
    Blog posts have a great capacity to generate traffic for a site, engaging customers by raising interest. To achieve that, you need to produce high-quality content!
    Companies must understand how to develop a strategy with content that contemplates consumers at all stages, from the initial interest to the purchase decision.

  • Define remarketing campaigns
    Remarketing is the strategy that reminds buyers about their interests. This effort will work if the consumer is about to buy & incentives such as discount coupons or free shipping can be used to close sales more quickly.

  • Measure each one of your actions
    Each strategy adopted must be continuously tracked to understand its effectiveness. Metrics are the translation of the level of effectiveness of each action in Digital Marketing. Tools such as Google Analytics allow you to check these results in detail. 


Digital Marketing helps you make use of proven strategies and techniques that attract highly targeted traffic that delivers results. Digital Marketing is basically targeting the right type of consumers that deliver the right kind of results, ensuring continuation of your business revenue.